who am i?

Photograph of website's author Vitor Hugo.

i am a web designer and developer based in brazil. currently studying product design in university and web development on my own. i have a major passion in technology and it is what keeps me motivated everyday. i really like to learn, and i am learning new things everyday. my hobbies are video games, watching movies, youtube videos, listening to music, mechanical keyboards and game development.





html, css, js







interface prototypes

Project 1: Interface prototype of an meditation app

concept of meditation app UI for iOS

this UI concept was totally designed and prototyped on figma. a guided meditation app concept, where you can choose the voice of narrator, the relaxing sound (as rain, waterfall, etc). the motivation behind this prototype was thinking that this app would help me someway.

Project 1: Interface prototype of an meditation app

concept of music streaming app UI for desktop.

also designed entirely on figma, based from my discontent on spotify's UI, in a time that it was really inconsistent, so i thought "i have to do something!!!". and that's where this app concept came about, which i named 'audy.io', because of my passion for music and design.


Fazendas Bioma Website

fazendas bioma's website
made using wordpress

initially prototyped on figma, and later made on wordpress. it was made during my time working for the company.

this website

soo... this piece of technolgy was made with NextJS, TailwindCSS and Framer Motion. my main inspirations was retro tech themes and colors, such as gruvbox color scheme.